
BMP thrives on unique opportunities and challenges presented by producing high-performance textiles for the most demanding applications. Our existing product portfolio and our technical expertise make the most severe operating environments and conditions seem routine, developing and producing textiles that perform effectively and efficiently.

With product composition ranging from polyester and polypropylene to such high-performance fibres as Aramid, PTFE and PPS, it is likely that we already offer a product that meets most of our customer’s requirements. Add this to a broad range of mechanical finishes and treatments, and you have one of the most complete lines of general purpose and speciality fabrics provided by a single manufacturer.

BMP add value through identifying the best materials for our customers’ applications, organising production of the materials and converting them into a ‘ready-to-use’ manufactured solution. Typical conversion processes and capabilities include:

Non-woven textiles are fabrics that are produced by mechanically, chemically, or thermally interlocking layers of fibres, filaments, or yarns. Thermal bonding is a technique for bonding fibres of a web using a conductive or convective heating method.

For special cases the non-woven may be hydro-entangled, spun-bond, or membrane composite.

Depending upon your specific requirements BMP will design a felt utilising various fibre chemistries, fibre sizes, felt construction methods.

BMP Market Sectors Include:

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